政府 & 金融


The following areas report to 管理istration and Finance: Budget and Analysis, Business Office, the Business Process Analyst, 校园警察, Campus Post Office, 资本项目, 设施管理, Information Technology and Communications, 物业管理, Purchasing/Procurement, Sponsored Projects, Starbase La Luz Academy and the New Mexico Bureau of Mine Safety/State Mine Inspector. We also serve as the fiscal agent for 新墨西哥台地.

Most of the areas within 管理istration and Finance are necessary to maintain the operations of the campus and, thus, have been designated as 必要的服务s. 为 these reasons all of the on-campus operations have been maintaining their basic functions 以及提供服务. 在那里 has been a reduction, but not an elimination of the recycling program during the partial campus closure. That being said, all of the on-campus functions, including the Office of the Vice President for 管理istration and Finance, have initiated some level of work-at-home requirements for those staff whose job function doesn’t require them to be 在校园 full-time. Toward this end, many of the offices are utilizing a combination of full-time work at home for some staff or scheduling on-campus shifts and working at home the remainder
时间的. The number of days that staff members work on and then off-campus varies 由单位.

新墨西哥台地 is housed in the NMT leased building in Albuquerque. 他们也有 implemented a combination work in-office and at-home plan. As Starbase La Luz is embedded in the AFRL offices in Albuquerque, they have been following the protocols required AFRL.

All the following 时间表s and work plans are contingent upon 新型冠状病毒肺炎 mandates from the Office of the Governor. The timing of the full return to the campus by all 管理istration and Finance staff in Phase III will occur only when the Governor authorizes the full opening of the campus and the return to offices by all employees.

Campus Return to Work Plan

Office of the Vice President for 管理istration and Finance

第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

Rotating days in the office:

VPAF -周一/周三/周五

Associate VPAF – Tue/Wed/Thu

管理. 证券交易委员会. -我的/ /星期五结婚

证券交易委员会retary 1 (Summer) - Tue/Thu

为 the other days, the work is done from home.

The VPAF office is responsible for compiling lost revenue and cost information related to 新型冠状病毒肺炎, and to prepare reimbursement
requests for the administrative and Minority Servicing Institutional funds available under the CARES ACT and for potential reimbursements under FEMA.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除.

At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估.  

Budget and Analysis (Reports to the Associate VPAF)

第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

This office is considered to be an 必要的服务 due to required budget preparation and the approval of research proposals, Personnel Action 为ms and other essential 文档.

The Associate Budget Director is working in the office two 每周天数 and remotely three 每周天数.

Two of the other staff members are working primarily from home.

One staff member has elected to not work during the Covid-19 restrictions and is using her annual and sick leave during this time.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue. This office is essential in preparing the campus response to the anticipated budget reductions from the June Legislative 特别会议.

The staff member who was not working in Phase 1 is now working 在校园 three days 每周.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除.

At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估. 

Bureau of Mine Safety/State Mine Inspector

第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

As the Bureau deals with state mine safety, training and certification, which are all deemed essential activities, the Bureau is an essential operation.

The State Mine Inspector is working full time, primarily in the office but traveling 在
state as situations mandate.

The Business Manager is working from home, but comes to the office 在校园 three 天

The Associate State Mine Inspector is working from home and traveling as situations mandate.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除.

At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估.

Business Process Analyst

第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

The Business Process Analyst is working 在校园 one day 每周 and at home four 每周天数.

As the primary focus is on electronic form development, he also comes to campus as needed to work with various campus functions.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除.

At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估.

Business Office (Reports to the Associate VPAF)

第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

Most of the Business Office functions are considered essential functions and the office has remained fully operational.

Most personnel, including the Controller, are working full-time from home. 他们来 to campus when required.

Cashiers are 在校园 for the printing and distribution of checks.

Due to the lack of campus travel, travel office staff members have been temporarily reassigned to other duties.

为 those employees who do not directly deposit their payroll checks, checks are being manually distributed in the main floor Fidel Center on each payroll day.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue.

The 2019 Annual Financial Audit will be handled remotely and electronically.

Payroll checks will continue to be distributed on the main floor of the Fidel Center until the cashier area on the second floor is fully reopened.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until
restrictions are relaxed or 解除.

At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估.

Travel office staff members will continue to be reassigned until such time as travel restrictions are relaxed or rescinded.

Payroll checks will continue to be distributed as in Phase I until Fidel is reopened.


第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

As 校园警察 is an 必要的服务 that requires most officers 在校内工作, only the administrative staff members have been working from home for part of the 周.

Due to the fact that all buildings are locked, 校园警察 are patrolling the office buildings and campus environments more frequently.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue.

校园警察 will continue with more frequent patrols.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until
restrictions are relaxed or 解除. At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估.

校园警察 will continue with more frequent patrols. 

Campus Post Office (Reports to the Associate VPAF)

第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

The Post Office Is considered an essential function, and, as the mail and other delivery services must be maintained, staff must work 在校园.

The post office is functioning with reduced staff due to the supervisor being on FMLA 长达12周.

As all of the campus buildings other than the Fidel Center are locked during the day to limit non-building staff and unauthorized staff to enter the buildings, all campus mail is being distributed and picked up at the campus post office according to a fixed 时间表.

The Post Office is the only area Fidel First floor that is open for business. 入口 into Fidel is through the west entrance door closest to the Post Office.


  • Monday – Friday 7:45am – 5:15pm,
  • 星期六上午11时至下午4时
  • 封闭的星期天.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue.

The Campus Post Office will continue with the Phase I 时间表 until the Fidel Center and other campus buildings are reopened.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除. At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估.

工作人员 will return to delivering mail to the various offices when campus buildings are unlocked during the day. 


第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

The 资本项目 Office is a one-person office consisting of
the Director of 资本项目.

The Director is currently working from home four 每周天数 and is typically on-campus one day 每周 unless he needs to be 在校园 for meetings or project coordination.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

The current campus/home work 时间表 will continue.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除.

At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估. 


第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

In that the campus buildings and grounds must be maintained even during the stay at home phase, 设施管理 is an 必要的服务 that requires most staff 在校内工作.

Only the Co-directors and administrative staff have been working at home. 的导演 have been working at home two 每周天数 and working 在校园 three 每周天数, staggering 时间表s so one co-director is always on site, unless they need to be oncampus to coordinate 项目 and staff.

Select crews have moved to four 10-hour days to further reduce number of individuals 在校园.

Due to the large number of Covid-19 cases in Alamo, those 设施管理 staff members who live in Alamo and drive to the campus are continuously monitoring themselves Covid-19症状.

One staff member was exposed to Covid-19 and is quarantined at home. 他申请了 was approved for the 80 hours of paid leave through the new Federal requirements (FFCRA).


The cleaning of buildings has been increased to two times per day.

设施管理 will perform additional cleanings of the 研究 Laboratories as they reopen in the summer.

Two hazardous area cleaning teams (one main team and one back up team) have been created. Anticipated PPE equipment and training costs for these teams are about $40k. 在那里 may also be hazardous duty pay costs for these employees, with the total costs to 确定.

Critical staff members including custodians are not working the alternate 时间表 as they are needed on a daily basis.


第二阶段:7 - 8月

The current campus/home work 时间表 will continue.

Additional cleaning will continue in the office buildings and research laboratories.

设施管理 custodial staff will clean the reopened swim center.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除. At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 by administrative staff will 重新评估.

设施管理 began hiring a second shift in June. By the beginning of the fall semester, it is anticipated that the hiring of the second shift will be complete.

管理istration and Finance is now working with several 新型冠状病毒肺炎 reopening committees to determine the best 时间表 and protocol for this second shift. 需要考虑的因素 include the scheduling of academic classes in the classroom buildings, Fidel and Macey Center, the dormitories, including the shared/common bathrooms and the Gym. 

InformationTechnology andCommunications

第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

Information Technology and Communications (ITC) is an
必要的服务. Most of the staff supports infrastructure that requires them to 工作oncampus. However, the software application support group that supports the Banner ERP has been successfully working from home. Using remote connections to their office computers and other NMT computer systems they have been able to provide the same level of support for existing systems as they were when they worked 在校园.

他们也有 undertaken planning and work on new
项目. This has been accomplished by the use of remote meetings using Zoom and other remote support utilities.

ITC staff working 在校园 can be housed in two buildings, the Gold Building and the Telcom building, staff members have been distributed between these buildings to ensure proper social distancing.

Many of the technical support staff members are typically providing support among the many buildings and offices 在校园, which makes maintaining social distancing 在 ITC offices even easier.

ITC staff members have played a major role in the distribution of Virtual Private Network and Hotspot equipment and setting up remote desktop capabilities for administrative staff and some faculty.

ITC staff has also worked closely with Academic Computing to establish the online course delivery capabilities.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

As most staff members are already working 在校园, as stay at home requirements are relaxed or eliminated, there will be little or no change to the ITC work 时间表s. 为 the software applications support group the current home work 时间表 will continue. 

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

As most staff members are already working 在校园, as stay at home requirements are relaxed or eliminated, there will be little or no change to the ITC work 时间表s. 为 the software applications support group the current home work 时间表 will be 重新评估,.


第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

As the primary property management functions are an 必要的服务s because property 库存必须是
maintained and property properly disposed, most of these operations have been on-going during the stay at home restrictions.  

The recycling function has been reduced in scope.

A staff member who had been potentially exposed to out-of-state individuals was required to take the mandatory 14 quarantine days. However, he showed no Covid-19 symptoms during this time, and has returned to work full-time.

The Property Operations Manager ended his work at home plan during the first 周 6月.

The Property Office will continue to ensure that all assets and property received during the pandemic shutdown to the current date are properly accounted for.

Recycling will continue to operate at the current reduced level until buildings are returned to an open to public status.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

The current campus/home work 时间表 will continue.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除. At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估.


第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

While Procurement is an essential operation, during the current stay at home requirements, for the most part, the items that can be purchased have been limited to critical or emergency purchases in the early stages of Phase 1.

Purchasing is now handling regular procurements and contract renewals for FY21.

工作人员 members have, for the most part, been using a combined work from home and work 办公室时间表.

One staff member initially chose to not work during the Covid-19 restrictions and used a combination of annual and sick leave to cover the missed days. 自5月 employee has begun working several 天

The Director has developed and distributed a form for all departments to use when vendors for their areas are required to come 在校园. This form must be signed by both the originating department and the vendor. It has detailed instructions for the vendors before and during their time 在校园.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

The current campus/home work 时间表 will continue.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除. At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估.


第一阶段:5月15日- 6月

As research grant proposals, contracts, contract changes and other similar 文档 are currently being generated and F&A rate calculations and negotiations and Federal audits are ongoing, 赞助项目 is an essential operation.

工作人员 members in the area are working in shifts with partial days in office and partial 在家的日子. However, the Director and Associate Director are, for the most part, working full time in the office.

In May, the work-at-home 时间表s were adjusted for some staff to work more hours 在校园. This was due to the increasing volume of grant applications, contracts and other related 文档.

第二阶段:7 - 8月

The current campus/home work 时间表 will continue.

PHASE 3: August – Unknown

Current campus/home work 时间表s will continue until restrictions are relaxed or 解除. At that time, the proportions of work at home compared to work 在校园 will 重新评估.